In this course, we will walk you through the process of obtaining and hatching chicken eggs, from choosing the right breed, using an incubator, what to expect in the growth process, how to tell the difference between fertile and non-fertile eggs, and how to get the baby chicks on a good start.
This course covers:
How to drastically improve your ability to be fully prepared for hatching and raising a chick.
How to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes of incubating eggs for the best hatch rate.
How to correctly use a still air incubator.
Cost savings techniques and business skills to help you find a market and grow your farm!
Know where to find hatching eggs.
Learn the technique of "candling" to see baby chicks inside of the eggs.
Set up a brooder for the chicks to grow in after hatching.
Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs - BootCamp:
Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs - Fundamentals:
Incubating and Hatching Chicken Eggs - Advanced:
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Section 1 - Getting Started
Introduction, Living Space, and Behavioral Problems
Figure out which breeds of chicken are suitable for your situation.
Finding eggs to hatch.
Types of Incubators, Marking Eggs, Incubator Brands.
What you need to know: living space, incubator capacity, getting eggs shipped, and hatch rates.
Section 2 - Incubation Process
Maintain a Consistent Air Temperature
Temperature & Humidity, (Still Air Incubator Example), and Adding Eggs to the Incubator.
Tips for hand turning eggs and some things to watch for.
What candling is, when to do it, and how to do it. Example photos.
Determining proper growth by looking at air sac development.
What to do at Lockdown. Pipping, zipping, and helping a hatch.
Choose the best answer to each question regarding the incubation process.
Section 3 - Chick Care
Setting up the Brooder + Food and Water
Vitamins, Sugar Water, Pasty Butt, Normal vs. Abnormal Behavior
Training Wrap Up.
Section 4 - Practicals - See Chicks Hatching
What hatching chicks look like from our farms.